OBJECT:PARADISE is a Prague-based performance and poetics collective that aims to promote language in context through interdisciplinary happenings. The collective publishes a monthly zine titled “KROTCH” and holds bi-annual curations that promote their Manifesto which calls for a low-brow, contextually-dependent poetics that is created and shared in the moment.
Photo: Eduard Germis
Photo: Eduard Germis
The happening was carried out in multiple languages and modes of expression; local musicians, performers, writers, and audience members gathered to create a spontaneous language, sound, and action happening which not only caught the attention of residents & attendees but eventually the police, too.
Excuse me, Žižkov was our sixth OBJECT:PARADISE happening and our first event of 2021 due to Coronavirus restrictions. The performance was composed of both Czech & International residents and students, unified by the common goal to bring life back to the streets through the OBJECT:PARADISE Manifesto.
Photos: Eduard Germis
More about Excuse me, Žižkov here
Photo: Jan Černý
Photo: Jan Černý
Tunnel vision(s) was an aural sight seeing performance which celebrated language in context of sound and happening in one of Žižkov’s hidden secrets, Starý Vítkovský Tunel.
Listeners were encouraged to experience the aural and visual environment by contributing their own interpretations of the context alongside our improvisational artists, in ways, for example, but not limited to, snapping, bopping, yapping, tapping, sopping, etc. & et. al..
In any area of the venue, a listener would be able to grasp a separate perspective to the language produced before them depending on their position of focus. Through improvised sound, movement, painting, poetry, and other nonsense, the objective of the event was to gift language and an organic context to the people who interact with it.
Photos: Jan Černy
More about Tunnel Vision(s) here