Les Tyroliennes saint-jambiennes

A two-headed creature, Les Tyroliennes saint-jambiennes conceived La montée des eaux as a journey through a version of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste neighborhood (Quebec, Canada) that belongs to an upside-down world. 

The project sheds light on the rocky daily life of the island of Saint-Jambe. Since 2016, Les Tyroliennes has turned to contemporary prophecies, extending the dream of a better world into the real world. In the blink of an eye, the shores of the sea link faraway lands to those, lost and found, that live within us all.

La Montée des Eaux

The story takes place in downtown Quebec City, Canada. In a post-apocalyptic future, the waters rise and transform the Saint-Jean-Baptiste district, which used to sit on a cliff, into an island. Many years after the events, the residents turn things around, cultivating not only vegetables and flowers on the roofs and streets, but also mutual support and good spirits. 

In 2019, determined to side with utopia, the Tyroliennes saint-jambiennes organized a collection of testimonies among the people of this district. In 2020, based on the visions and ideas collected, they staged an exhibition of the landscapes of this imaginary island in street windows. They also created a theatrical itinerary, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in this universe.

This project follows on from the novel Saint-Jambe (Alice Guéricolas-Gagné, 2018, VLB éditeur). It borrows not its synopsis, but rather its poetic, unifying, inventive and subversive state of mind.

Street Windows Exhibition

From September 11 to October 13, 2020, eleven landscapes representing the neighborhood transformed into an island where life is good were exhibited in the homes of eleven citizens who agreed to lend their windows to the project. Each work is accompanied by an aphorism (micro-narrative) composed by Alice Guéricolas-Gagné to highlight, among other things, elements drawn from the 2019 collection of testimonials. The illustrations are by Sébastien Brunel, the artist who created the 195 print series which depict the Croix-Rousse—his neighborhood in Lyon,  France—as an island. To create the landscapes for La montée des eaux, he was nourished in his process by a stay in the Saint-Jean-Baptiste district.

The theatrical itinerary

To give shape to this imaginary island, the windows exhibition was brought to life on four evenings in September 2020 by an itinerant theatrical tour. Designed as a guided tour of the island's jewels, this itinerary featured some twenty performers in parking lots and courtyards made available by local residents. Music, projections, circus, clowning, theater - these are just some of the arts that brought the neighborhood's creativity to its most hidden corners. One encounter at a time, the characters and the inventive, unifying way of life on the island of Saint-Jambe were revealed to the public.

Full Credits:

A project directed and produced by Tyroliennes saint-jambiennes (Alice Guéricolas-Gagné and Mélina Kerhoas) 

Illustrations: Sébastien Brunel 

Aphorisms: Alice Guéricolas-Gagné

Organizational support: Raphaël Ramirez 

Technical director: Lorena Bouchard-Mugica 

Stage manager: Danielle Bertrand 

Video capture and editing: Marie-Chloé Racine 

Photo documentation: Débora Flor 

Graphic design: Julien Dallaire-Charest 

Sound capture and capsule editing: Simon-Olivier Gagnon, Mélina Kerhoas and Raphaël Ramirez 

Consultation: Félix Marois, Réjean Perron and Adèle Raux-Copin

Musical guides 

L'Ensemble klezmer de Sainte-Nigoune

Welcoming international journalists 

Porter: Margo Ganassa 

Banjo player: PA Tanguay

La naissance de l'île 

Text and interpretation: Alice Guéricolas-Gagné 

Projections: Mélina Kerhoas

Radio Saint-Jambe 

Design and performance: Jordan Jack

Canot en portage 

Performance: Sami-Jai Wagner-Beaulieu, Élia Wagner-Beaulieu, Michel Beaulieu and Ève Tremblay

L'Académie des Beaux-Arts Saint-Jambe 

Conception and interpretation of the Master: Kaël Mercader 

Assistant : Antoine Sirois

La postière de l'île 

The postwoman on stilts  : Josette Lépine 

Projections : Mélina Kerhoas 

Text and interpretation : Alice Guéricolas-Gagné

Les présences diplomatiques 

Duchesse de Saint-Jambe: Hélène Matte 

Duchesse de la Cité sous-marine: Alix Paré-Vallerand

J'ai du mal à croire aux bleuets 

Scenography, dramaturgy and puppet design: Aglaë de la Taïga 

Stage direction and performance: Lauriane Charbonneau 

Interpretation: Mathilde Ouellet and Heidi Brown 

Assistance: Maya Guy 

Do-it-all artists: Laura Dp and Eve Mequignon

La sorcière de Saint-Jambe 

Design and interpretation of the witch: Clara Barbieux Kamishibai 

Drawings: Crystin

Les musiciens de la ville engloutie 

Design and performance: Yohan Bonnette (guitar) and Michel Côté (maïkotron)

Thanks to all the citizens who made this project possible by lending their windows, yards, parking lots or extension cords to the initiative! 

Thanks also to the volunteers who made the walk possible!

Funding: Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Première ovation - arts multi, Consulat général de France à Québec 

Essential support: Productions Recto-Verso, Centre agriculturel Nouaisons, Librairie Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Festival Québec en toutes lettres (Julie Veillet and Isabelle Forest), Stéphane Caron, Comité Populaire Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Société de développement commercial Faubourg Saint-Jean, Bureau de circonscription de Taschereau.